When using Xcode I’m a big believer in clearing out not just the error messages that I get but also all the warnings. 99% of the time if I ignore a warning it usually results in something crashing or a weird bug expressing itself. BUTÂ there is that 1% of the time when Xcode produces a false positive and you get a warning that isn’t and all you want to do is make it go away. Today was such a day and thankfully I found how to tell clang to ignore the warning.
I have some code:
[component performSelector:componentSelector];
clang really doesn’t like this code. The problem is that ‘componentSelector’ is a variable and clang doesn’t have a enough information about it so it raises a flag about possible memory leak. Now, I know, since I wrote the code, that ‘componentSelector’ is good and won’t cause a memory leak so to silence the warning I add the following:
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks" [component performSelector:componentSelector];
this is a very nicely specific flag telling clang to ignore the performSelector leaks warning. I’d really rather find away around this, ie making clang happy, but thus far no luck so it’s the ignore flag till I do.